The tough and highly durable Rehau uPVC suite offers the best in security and thermally efficient products, allowing for a more secure, warmer and noticeably quieter, healthier home. The benefits of uPVC Windows and Doors, the whole family can enjoy.  

Stainless Steel Multi Point Locking system

Standard though out the Rehau range of windows and doors, the clever design allows multi-fixing, locating and locking systems to secure windows and doors against would be intruders, the function of the locking system also allows adjustment of window and door seal compression with gives uPVC is superior air and water tightness performance. All windows include the ability to securely lock in a night vent position as well.

Protective Seals

Superior Co-Extruded seal technology is the forefront of the internal glazing system. EPDM Dual Compression gaskets are fused at the joins, providing a long-lasting perimeter whilst the backing seals deliver outstanding weather tightness, performance and reduced sound transmission, the Rehau system eliminates issues associated with externally glazed and beaded systems.

Engineered for security

The Rehau suite used by Advanced uPVC is a durable, impact tested formulation. The central position of the Euro groove has been designed as an optimal a locking position for the multi point locking systems, the profiles themselves are reinforced with steel thus further enhancing the resistance to forced entry.

BRANZ Approved

Rehau uPVC windows and doors have been BRANZ Appraised and are compliant to all regulations. Rehau BRANZ Appraisal

Female looking through her uPVC windows at the view during winter in her cosy warm house

Low Maintenance Easy Clean Surfaces

uPVC is very low maintenance, easily washable with warm water, mild detergent and a soft cloth, stainless hardware lubrication ensures long lasting performance for years to come.

UV Resistant Formulation specific to New Zealand conditions

Rehau uPVC product is specifically formulated and certified compliant to meeting the UV performance and warranty requirements to New Zealand conditions.

Salt Resistant

uPVC is impervious to salt air and will not deteriorate at all, the same product can be used anywhere in any conditions, unlike aluminium there is no extra cost for the upgrading to additional finishes because your home is in coastal location.

Long Lasting, Corrosion, Chemical and Rot Resistant

Rehau is a German designed uPVC suite specifically formulated for the New Zealand Climate and UV conditions, resistant to salt air it does not corrode, oxidise or will it ever rot, uPVC is extremely resistant to pollution, diluted acids and alkalis.

Tough and Durable 

Specialised uPVC formulation engineered for durability, UV, impact resistance and security in mind, it is Ideal for New Zealand’s Weather and Coastal Environments with a life span that will exceed 30 plus years. uPVC is so strong it puts the competitors to shame.

Energy Efficient Frames

uPVC does not transmit heat or cold through the frames, the multi chambered profiles once welded create multiple thermal pockets acting like barriers against heat, cold and noise. Making uPVC extremely thermally efficient whilst providing excellent sound reducing performance.

Sound Insulating Acoustic Performance

The non-conductive multi chambered profiles and the highly effective dual gasket system at the forefront of the weather tightness, both aid in reducing sound transmission, thus combined with sound reducing double glazing combinations, uPVC windows can achieve a sound reduction of up to 40dB.

Exceptional Thermal Insulation

uPVC is a natural insulator but what gives the outstanding thermal insulation is the multi chambered design of the profiles, each chamber acts as a barrier inside to out ensuring peak performance is attained.

Non-Conductive Profiles

uPVC is 1000 times less conductive than aluminium which means it’s an excellent insulator and ideal as a product for window manufacturing, because its non-conductive uPVC will remain condensation free.

Female working from home with Premium NZ made uPVC windows and Doors
Premium NZ made uPVC Windows and Doors product, an open in French casement style window

Superior Water Tightness 

The only New Zealand manufacturer to offer a fully welded package ensuring the windows and doors are completely leak free. Secure internal glazing design eliminates water penetration.

Superior Air Tightness

Co-extruded seal technology and EPDM gaskets in conjunction with muti point locking systems ensure windows and doors remain airtight under compression giving superior performance and preventing air leakage compromising the thermal performance of uPVC windows and doors.

Condensation Reducing 

Thermally efficient and non-conductive, uPVC frames ensure surfaces never get cold enough to allow condensation to form, the benefits of uPVC double glazing also significantly improves the reduction of heat loss which is one of the contributing factors in a rooms ambient temperature dropping to the considered “Dew Point” level where Relative Humidity of the air cannot hold moisture any longer as the air temperature drops allowing air moisture to revert back to liquid forming on cold surfaces.

Eco Friendly

uPVC requires 7.5 times less energy to produce compared to aluminium, does not contain paints, chemicals or solvents that inhibit recycling, exceeds the minimum requirements Homestar green homes programme and meets the compliance for Passive homes, uPVC windows and doors are the number one option for passive homes world-wide.

Sustainable and Recyclable

uPVC is completely recyclable, it is the world’s most researched polymer with numerous life cycle studies completed indicating it is sustainable and can be reused again and again for manufacturing purposes. The major ingredient in PVC is common salt an abundant natural resource.

Safe and Non-Flammable

uPVC is a safe and environmentally friendly product, uPVC has a complete sustainable lifecycle for re-use, it is very difficult to ignite and self-extinguishes if ignited.

Cost Effective Performance

For a relative comparison, the performance is unrivalled, uPVC will out perform any Aluminium Windows and Doors hands down, high performance uPVC Windows, Doors and Glass can achieve an R-value over 0.90 (U-Value 1.1) with Double Glazing and even higher with Triple Glazing, considering the security, thermal and acoustic performance alone Aluminium Windows and Doors cannot even compete on these factors.

Currently uPVC and Aluminium Thermally Broken Frames on New Builds are similar in cost, however the unregulated replacement windows scene means uPVC is more than expensive than aluminium, unfortunately some of the not fit for purpose cheap aluminium window systems that are being used to Double Glazed homes are no better than if they were single glazed and that doesn’t even take into consideration the future problems with Rot and Mould that these frames are going to cause, quite simply the reason comes down to the installation methods, the products used and moisture.

The new climate zones as directed by MBIE require zones 3(Wellington, Kapiti, Horowhenua and Manawatu) and 4(Upper Hutt, Wairarapa, Tararua, Rangitikei and Ruapehu) need to meet the R Value 0.46 by May 2023 and Zone 2( Whanganui, Taranaki and Hawkes Bay) by Nov 2023.

The changes have impacted Aluminium resulting in product upgrades to thermally broken frames and Low-E glass to meet compliance, these changes have added approx 20-30% to the cost of Aluminium on new builds, to make a clear comparison now using the best in Aluminium Thermally Broken frames and Low-E high performance glass, the absolute peak performance attained is maximum R-value 0.62, whereas uPVC and high performance glass can exceed R-value 0.90.