Rehau is highly regarded as one of the top two suppliers of uPVC products worldwide, it was natural for us to partner with a such a reputable brand and ensure our customers were receiving and enjoying the best possible product suited to the New Zealand market. We believe our point of difference is in our products and manufacturing processes, thus delivering a high quality and high performing product.

Complete Fusion Welded System

All Advanced uPVC Windows and Doors are entirely Fusion Welded together, therefore all intersecting Mullion, Transom joints and Mitred Corners are fusion welded, giving superior frame and joint strength as opposed to mechanical fixings and sealants.

A complete Fusion welded manufacturing system means we are watertight throughout and free from leaks, the best bit is the process is Eco Friendly and doesn’t involve the use of chemicals, solvents or sealants in manufacturing, At Advanced uPVC we currently believe that we are the only manufacturer of uPVC windows and doors in New Zealand to manufacture a complete Fusion Welded product.

Secure Internal Glazing Design

All Windows and Doors supplied by Advanced uPVC Windows are manufactured with the internally glazed beading system. Co-Extruded Seal technology is at the backbone of the glazing system, thus means the seal and bead are formed as one complete solution, uPVC and rubber extruded together.

A one piece internally beaded solution means complete watertightness, no external beads or shrinking rubbers like other products and the internal beading provides greater security and ease of handling, this means the glazing beads that hold the glass are located on the inside, therefore the glass cannot be removed from the outside by would be intruders.

Fusion Welded

Reinforced Profiles Throughout

Every Window and Door manufactured by Advanced uPVC Windows has reinforcing fitted throughout, Galvanised Steel or Aluminium is fitted in the central Reinforcing chamber on all profiles, meaning the perimeters on all Window or Door frames, all internal profiles, including window and door sashes have reinforcing fitted. The reinforcing is fixed in the centre of the chamber for optimum stability then sealed during the Fusion Welding Process.

Reinforcing has many purposes; it forms part of the secure uPVC locking and multi point locking systems where all hardware, locks and keepers are fixed to it for maximum resistance to forced entry.

Another benefit to reinforcing is it also reduces thermal expansion a must for New Zealand conditions where you can experience 4 seasons in one day.

Finally reinforcing gives added strength and structural integrity to all uPVC joinery, all joinery whether it is aluminium, or uPVC needs to comply to wind, deflection and load design requirements, our performance advantage is that the internal transom and mullion profiles are fitted with Galvanised Steel Tube which has a far greater strength than Aluminium, thus giving stability far above what is needed and required.

The Rehau Window Suite

Rehau is a high-quality German designed and engineered uPVC window and door system which has been formulated specifically for New Zealand Conditions, the profiles are UV stabilised and able to withstand the worst of conditions. Rehau pride themselves on their outstanding Acoustic and Thermal Performance, Weathertightness and Security, the windows are highly durable and will keep their look for many years to come.

Timber Window Retrofitting

When it comes to renovating your old timber windows why spend extra dollars on Full Replacement windows.   Advanced uPVC Windows specialise in supplying and fitting uPVC inserts into existing Timber frames, this means you are receiving the best possible product and solutions in terms of uPVC double glazed window technology, whist maintaining the same timber look and finish.

  • uPVC windows can match existing timber window styles and designs, or you can configure to a new window style.
  • uPVC profiles are aesthetically pleasing and look just like painted timber windows, if you didn’t know you would never tell the difference.
  • Retrofitting requires less work and is less invasive on the homeowner
  • External claddings, facing boards and internal linings do not need removing to fit new uPVC insert windows
  • Remedial work for the homeowner is minimal and may only require some touch up painting
  • New uPVC inserts are an extremely a cost-effective option compared to Full Replacement Windows
  • We pride ourselves in the high standard of workmanship and professionalism when installing uPVC windows for homeowners.


At Advanced uPVC windows we have completed hundreds of retrofit projects, the process is simple from enquiry to completion when using the team at Advanced uPVC.

uPVC retrofit windows into timber